News - New Sandy Steelheaders website launch

Sun 11/25/2012

If you can read this message, the new website is live.

It took some time to get through the massive overhauling process of updating our website, but I'm pleased to announce that this launch of the website is even more full featured than I initially wanted to go live with. Sometime after launch we will be going through another minor overall to add a bit more flash, pizazz, and polish to the website. So if it's rough around the edges, please give your feedback on things you'd like to see improved. There's still a lot of features I want to add to the website, so over the next year we will continuously expand upon the member's only content sections and features that will bring members to our website on a regular basis.

One really nice thing about this website is that it is 100% fully data driven. What this means is that while right now only 2 people in the chapter know how or have access to update ther website, over time more individuals will be authorized to author content onto the website. This will allow the content to be updated on a more regular basis since there will be no single person who updates it. There is very user friendly and highly secured administrative pages that allow authorized individuals to do anything from enter the latest news, publish articles, or even uploading the latest newsletter.

Thank you for your patience. Special thanks to Jeff, Doug, my wife, and especially John in getting our website to where it is today. We hope to keep our website more current in the future to aid in communication, planning, and sharing of experiences / events held by the chapter and its members. If you wish to submit content to the website, please contact John Hydorn.

- Victor F. Laurence
Chapter Member
Fly Fisherman
Fly Tyer