Event - Chapter Board Meeting

Start Date
Wed 4/11/2018
End Date

Meeting will be at:

Round Table Pizza

4141 NE 122nd Ave,

Portland, OR 97230

6:30 PM


Approved Meeting Minutes:


NW Steelheaders – Sandy Chapter

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday April 4, 2018

Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, OR

Present: Steve Rothenbucher, Kathyrn Israelson, Larry McClintock, Jeff & Terri Boughton, Mike Myrick, Jeff Stoeger, & Greg Reed

6:00 pm Call to Order                                                                             Steve R.


Review Board Meeting’s Minutes for March 14, 2018 reviewed. Jeff Stoeger moved the Board Meeting’s Minutes from February 14, 2018 be accepted as presented and Larry McClintock seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.                                                    

Treasurer’s Report  - For March 31, 2018 was presented. Jeff Stoeger moved the Treasurer’s report for March, 2018 be accepted as presented and Terri Boughton seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.                                                         Greg R.

Membership Report – the Association is making progress in transitioning from the past Membership programs to SALSA.  They are still noting some errors in membership lists.  Greg R.



OLD BUSINESS                               

Election of Officers – held at April 4, 2018 Chapter Mtg. – The April 4, 2108 Chapter Meeting Board election results were presented.  Jeff Boughton moved the election results be affirmed by those present.  Larry McClintock seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.          

Therefore, as of the conclusion of the meeting the Chapter Board will be  

Co-Presidents: Jeff Stoeger & Greg Reed

Vice President: Tim Maples

Treasurer: Vacant

Secretary: Teri Boughton

As a consequence of the above, the Chapter Special Events position became vacant and Steve Rothenbucher was then assigned to same.  The duties of Treasurer, Vacant, will be handled by Greg Reed.


Annual Chapter Banquet and Auction  – Progress on the event was reported by Jeff & Terri Boughton.  They will arrange a pre-event meeting to tie up and loose ends.


Acclimation Pond – Jeff & Terri Boughton reported this went well with nearly 132,000 healthy smolt being released in two sets (66,000 each).  They will contact Jeff Folup for a copy of the sign in sheets for both sets of Smolt and give Greg Reed a copy to help with recording Volunteer hours. Thanks to the Boughtons for coordinating this ODFW partnership program again this year!


Spring cleanup date & Park adoption - March 24, 2018 Thanks to Anthony Pedro for supervising this partnership with the city of Troutdale. 


Cedar Fish Program – Greg Reed – Tabled to May Board meeting.


Sam Cox Building sound system –  Steve R. reported we are waiting for the electrician to respond to his repeated inquiry as to progress on this.  If they have not committed to the project with an acceptable completion proposal by April 30, 2018 the Chapter (Greg Reed) will contact the Electrician whose name has been provided by the city of Troutdale to complete the project.

Steve R. will continue trying to contact the original electricians.


2017 Membership Survey – Was reviewed and discussed.  Further review and research will be needed to see how we can best address the input received.  It was noted interest in leadership roles in the Chapter or coordinating activities was low. This is a challenge we need to meet as leaders are critical in meeting the desires expressed in the Survey. Copy of results attached to these Minutes.                   Steve R.




Willamette River Fish/Float along –     Request form reviewed, discussed, and the event was approved.   An Article for the upcoming Newsletter has been prepared - Larry Palmer/absent


Coleman Roadtrip BBQ – Past attempts to locate and acquire the correct (screw on vs. current snap on models) have been unsuccessful.  Jeff Boughton has offered to look to see if there is a way to make it work.


Monthly Fish-alongs – Discussed and all like the idea.   It was mentioned all types of fishing were desirable (ie: bank or by boat). It was noted someone must present a detailed event request for each sponsored by the Chapter and they are responsible for the success of the event.  Steve R. stated Jim Catchart and Larry Palmer had each expressed interest in coordinating some of these.  Steve R. will contact them for further action.










Chapter Newsletter USPS mail list/process – Larry McClintock stated they are $2.25 per copy, (soon to increase to $2.50 per copy) or $56.25 per month. Greg Reed stated the Chapter has spent $675.00 in the past calendar year.  At the rate increase this would be $62.50 per month or $750.00 per 12 month period.

Suggestions include:

  • Members with dues past due 6 months or more be dropped from the mailing list,
  • “Grandfather in” 8 Life Members and 2 “Cooperate partners” who have been receiving them free to continue doing so.
  • Others currently receiving will be sent a letter from the Chapter requesting they off set our costs at $2.50 per month if they want to continue receiving them. This letter would include instructions on how to access the Newsletter online.  Greg Reed will compose a draft letter and present it at the next Board Meeting.


Ideas - Social Websites (Facebook/Meetup) - These were discussed.   There is interest in meeting with those responsible for these in other Chapters to discuss what they are doing and experience with websites they are using.  - Larry Palmer/absent. 


7:45pm Adjourn                                                                                        Steve R.



2017 Membership Survey Results:


  1. Why did you join the NW Steelheaders

Wanted to learn more about fishing

Wanted to learn where to go

Wanted to make fishing friends

Support policy issues such as: Bank fishing access /River navigability

  1.  What sort of programs would you like to see most


Presentations by expert members

ODFW & OSP speakers

  1. 3.     How important is the chapter being involved in conservation projects to you?

Very important

Acclimation pond & Fish toss

  1. 4.      How did you hear about our chapter?

From a friend

  1. 5.    Have your expectations for being a chapter member been met?

Yes & Somewhat

  1.  How important are our “How to” clinics to you?

Very important

  1. 7.    How important are our group fish-alongs to you?

Very important

  1. 8.    Are you willing to lead and mentor new members on chapter outings that follow our “How To clinics”?


  1. 9.    Are you willing to lead and mentor new members on chapter conservation projects or river cleanups?

Yes and Somewhat


10. What would you most like to change about the chapter?

Fishing Education:

  1. Educational programs
  2. Learn how to fish / Different methods
  3. More local fishing information
  4. Information on best spots, techniques for bank fishing for Steelhead, Salmon, & Sturgeon.
  5. Teach more “Bank” fishing manners


  1. Would like to see more members involved in projects and group events.
  2. More Board members
  3. Volunteer work for conservation and Angler education groups
  4. Wish each Chapter could take a vote on tough issues

Fishing Opportunities:

  1. Take new members fishing
  2. Opportunities for Halibut & Tuna fishing
  3. Make it more Family & Kid friendly

Political action:

  1. Disappointed in our Gill Net decision with Kitzhaber
  2. Do not believe we are active enough now with the Sea Lions


  1. Acclimation pond & Fish toss
  2. Online presence – like Facebook

11. Are you willing to take on any leadership roles in the chapter in the future?

Somewhat to No

12. Would you recommend membership in the chapter to your fishing acquaintances -  Yes

13. What is your primary style of fishing?


_1__ Bank

_3__ Drift Boat

_2__ Power Boat

_4__ Guided trips

14. How often are you able to attend Chapter events/meetings?

_1_ Monthly

_2_ Quarterly

_3__ Other





Upcoming Events:


April 14, 2018/Saturday, Whiskey Creek Fish Hatchery fin clip Location: 7660 Whiskey Creek Rd, Tillamook, OR 97141

8am – Coffee and Donuts

9am to 2pm clip fins on 105,000 smolt salmon (to be released in June/July)

Noon – BBQ for volunteers

April 21st, 2018, Saturday - Planning and preparation date for the May 19, 2018 Steelhead Fishing 101 Workshop -10:00 am to 12:30 pm, Glenn Otto Community Park, Annex.  Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.

May 2nd, 2018, Wednesday May 19th, 2018 - Annual Chapter Banquet and Auction

Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park.

May 12, 2018, Saturday - Salmon Quest 2018 Location: Camp Withycombe, 15300 Minuteman Way, Clackamas, OR 97015   https://nwsteelheaders.org/events/salmon-quest/

May 19th, 2018 - Steelhead Fishing 101 Workshop – Glenn Otto Park, Troutdale.  We will likely revert back to the two day format - full day classroom with half day on-the-water session. On-the-water session will likely be up at Oxbow Park.  Date for second day to be determined.  Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106

May 26, 2018 9am to 4pm – ANWS Fishing“Womens’ Fishing and Outdoors Clinic”event – Sam Cox bldg. of the Glenn Otto Park in Troutdale, Or. - Women focused fishing information, advice and conversation. Email office@anws.org

June 2, 2018 – Steelhead Fish-along – half day on-the-water session.   Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.


 July 14/15th, 2018 - 7:00am Saturday – Sunday - Willamette Fish and Float invitational – Contact – Larry Palmer at Palmerlarryd@yahoo.com


July 29th, 2018, Sunday – Annual Sandy River Chapter, ANWS picnic at Glenn Otto Park, Troutdale, OR

September 7th  –  9th, 2018, Saturday – Tillamook Crab/Fish along – Arrive on Friday and depart on Sunday.

October 6th, 2018, Saturday - Chapter Sandy River Bank Fish along to register, contact Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503)238-4775, ext. 106

November 3rd, 2018  - Steelhead Fishing 101 Workshop – at the workshop to Glenn Otto Park, Troutdale.  We will likely revert back to the two day format - full day classroom with half day on-the-water session. Date for second day to be determined.  Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.

November 10th, 2018  - Steelhead Fish-along – half day on-the-water session.   Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.