Event - Chapter Board Meeting
Meeting will be at:
Round Table Pizza
4141 NE 122nd Ave,
Portland, OR 97230
6:30 PM
Meeting Minutes:
NW Steelheaders – Sandy Chapter
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: Wednesday February 14, 2018
Valentines day and Oregon Statehood anniversary (1859)
Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, OR
6:00 pm Call to Order Steve R.
Present: Steve Rothenbucher, Kathryn Israelson, Jeff Stoeger, Jeff & Terri Boughton, Anthony Pedro, & Greg Reed.
Review Board Meeting’s Minutes – Greg R. - January 18, 2018 Draft Minutes had been sent out to Board members in January and February 2018. Jeff Stoeger moved the Board Meeting’s Minutes from January 18, 2018 be accepted as presented and Terri Boughton seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report - Greg R. - December 2017 and January 2018 – After discussion of the Annual Review Committee’s recommendation regarding the report out date of the monthly Treasure’s report to the Board, The Board reviewed, but failed to approve the December 2017 Report.
Jeff Stoeger moved the Treasurer’s Reports for December 2017 and January 2018 be accepted as given and Anthony Pedro seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously
Membership Report – Tabled as Doug Miller was absent from the meeting. Greg R. noted that Maggi MacQulliam, ANWS Operations Manager has and is trying to schedule a training date with Doug Miller.
Election of Officers – to be held at April 4, 2018 Chapter Mtg. - Election Committee – Pat Norris, Jeff Boughton, and Stephen Thomson. To date we have Candidates as follows:
President: as Co-position holders Jeff Stoeger & Greg Reed
Vice President: Tim Maples Treasurer: Vacant Secretary: Teri Boughton
Others are invited to run for these or any other position.
Jeff Boughton asked for Steve Thomson’s contact information. Jeff Stoeger provided a phone number & Greg Reed will/has sent Jeff an email address.
Annual Chapter Banquet and Auction – Jeff & Terri Boughton provided a progress report and noted there are still positions in need of volunteers. Steve Rothenbucher & Greg Reed went through the Sam Cox cabinet and removed dated sodas the day following this Board meeting.
Acclimation Pond – Jeff & Terri Boughton noted there are still openings on the feeding schedule for volunteers. Also, the fish will be placed in the acclimation pond on Thursday February 15, 2018. Anyone wishing to volunteer can contact them at solcater@comcast.net
Bank Fish along scheduled for Saturday, February 24th. Meet at the Flood Plain, Oxbow Regional Park at 7:30 am. Optional, no-host breakfast, at Dea's In and Out, 755 NE Burnside Rd, Gresham, OR 97030 at 6:00 am. Sign up with me at ornavigator@hotmail.com; W: (503) 238-4775, ext. 106.
Spring cleanup date - Anthony Pedro presented a budget request for a March 24th, 2018 Park clean-up at Glenn Otto Park. An amount of $150.00 was approved.
Glenn Otto Park adoption - Tim Seery, Parks & Facilities Supt for the City of Troutdale asked if the Chapter would be interested in adopting Glenn Otto Park. When asked what it would require of the Chapter, his response was to simply continuing to partner with them as we have in the past and nothing additional. Greg Reed moved the Chapter Adopt Glenn Otto Park as presented and Jeff Stoeger seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously. Greg Reed will follow through with the adoption.
Sam Cox Building sound system – Steve Rothenbucher & Greg Reed are to (and now have) met with Tim Serry to cover the sound system modifications to be made in the Sam Cox building.
Donation – American Cancer Society – for Members spouse
As noted at this months’ Chapter meeting by Jeff Stoeger our member Sandie Nishitani
has passed away from Cancer. Greg Reed moved the Chapter donate $75.00 to the American Cancer Society in her memory, rather than purchasing flowers. Kathryn Israelson seconded this motion, which was then passed unanimously. Greg Reed was to (and has since) make the donation as approved.
Upcoming speaker – Jeff Stoeger has arranged for Dave Eng of Salmon, Trout and Steelhead magazine And FishEng products including Leaderboards and Aluminum Rod Extensions - http://www.fishengproducts.com/
Annual Picinic – Greg Reed advised a budget for this event has been submitted by Norm & Jolie Ritchie and the Park has been reserved for all day Sunday July 29th, 2018
Still Creek Cabin – Steve Rothenbucher informed the Board of the offer to ANWS the use of a cabin on Still Creek, on Still Creek Road and the conditions of same. After some discussion it was agreed by the Board it was too large of a commitment for the Chapter to commit to. However, the Board recognized, with appreciation, the generous offer. Steve Rothenbucher will advise the ANWS Executive Committee of such at their meeting Saturday February 17, 2018.
Chapter Meeting Attendance –Steve Rothenbucher – There was an open discussion about the number of attendees at Chapter Meetings. No resolution other than to research returning to sending monthly reminders of Newsletter publication to Members.
7:05 pm Adjourn Steve R.
February 16, 2018 , Friday – ODFW Chinook Acclimation Pond feeding program – Coordinators - Jeff & Terri Boughton. Anyone wishing to volunteer can contact them at solcater@comcast.net
February 24, 2018, Saturday - Chapter Sandy River Bank Fish along to register, contact Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503)238-4775, ext. 106
March 7th, 2018, Wednesday Chapter Meeting - Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens.
Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park.
Projected Speaker: Dave Eng of Salmon, Trout and Steelhead magazine and FishEng products including Leaderboards and Aluminum Rod Extensions http://www.fishengproducts.com/
3rd Annual Family Fish Camp - Friday, March 9TH to Sunday March 11TH atCamp Angelos – Corbett, OR. More information at: http://nwsteelheaders.org/calendar/family-fish-camp/
March 14, 2018, Wednesday – Board Meeting – 6:00pm - Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland,
March 24th, 2018, Saturday – Sandy River cleanup – 8:45am meet at Glenn Otto parking lot. The event will focus on the area around the Sam Cox building down to the beach, Sandy River south riverbank to floodplain and north towards the railroad bridge and Interstate 84. Contact – Anthony Pedro 503-719-0579.
March 31st, 2018, Saturday - Chapter Sandy River Bank Fish along to register, contact Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503)238-4775, ext. 106
April 4th, 2018, Wednesday - Chapter Meeting 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens
Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park.
Projected Speaker: Steve Williams, Senior program manager and pikeminnow overseer for Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. http://www.psmfc.org/program/prog-1
April 21st, 2018, Saturday - Planning and preparation date for the May 12, 2018 Steelhead Fishing 101 Workshop -10:00 am to 12:30 pm, Glenn Otto Community Park, Annex. Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.
May 2nd, 2018, Wednesday May 19th, 2018 - Annual Chapter Banquet and Auction
Time: 6:00pm Meet and greet, 7:00pm Meeting opens Location: Sam Cox Building, Glenn Otto Community Park.
May 12, 2018, Saturday - Salmon Quest 2018 Location: Camp Withycombe, 15300 Minuteman Way, Clackamas, OR 97015 https://nwsteelheaders.org/events/salmon-quest/
May 19th, 2018 - Steelhead Fishing 101 Workshop – at the workshop to Glenn Otto Community. We will likely revert back to the two day format - full day classroom with half day on-the-water session. On-the-water session will likely be up at Oxbow Park. Date for second day to be determined. Contact - Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503) 238-4755, Ext. 106.
July 29th, 2018, Sunday – Annual Sandy River Chapter, ANWS picnic at Glenn Otto Park, Troutdale, OR
September 7th – 9th, 2018, Saturday – Tillamook Crab/Fish along – Arrive on Friday and depart on Sunday.
October 6th, 2018, Saturday - Chapter Sandy River Bank Fish along to register, contact Jim Cathcart at ornavigator@hotmail.com or (503)238-4775, ext. 106