Event - Chapter Board Meeting

Start Date
Thu 1/18/2018
End Date

Meeting will be at:

Round Table Pizza

4141 NE 122nd Ave,

Portland, OR 97230

6:30 PM


Approved Meeting Minutes:


NW Steelheaders – Sandy River Chapter

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Date: Thursday January 18, 2018

Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, OR

Present: Steve Rothenbucher, Larry McClintock, Anthony Pedro, Art & Kathryn Israelson, Doug Miller, Jeff & Terri Boughton, Pat Norris, Mike Myrick, Jim Cathcart, & Greg Reed


5:55 pm Call to Order                                                                               Steve Rothenbucher


Review Board Meeting’s Minutes from November 16, 2017 - Greg Reed – Larry McClintock  moved the Board Meeting’s Minutes from November 16, 2017 be accepted as presented and  Pat Norris seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report – Greg Reed presented the Board with reports as composed currently (report date ending the date of this meeting) & as suggested by the 2016-17 Review committee (reported dated the first of the current month and compiled the same date as Chapter reporting to the Association).  Question presented the Board is which way to proceed.  Pat Norris asked why the difference. Greg Reed stated this was the way it was passed on to him when he took office. As a past Treasurer, Mike Myrick was asked and he stated during his tenure it was compiled and presented as recommended by the Review Committee.  Greg Reed

The current manner presented up to date data.  However, presenting a report in the manner recommended by the Review Committee is a lot les work for the Treasurer and any income or expenditures between the first of the month and the Board Meeting is already presented to the Board at this meeting.

Mike Myrick moved the Treasurer’s Report be compiled at the first of the month at the same time as the Chapter’s report to the Association is submitted & any outstanding income or expenses between then and the Board Meeting be reported to the Board by the Treasure at that months Board Meeting. Pat Norris seconded the motion, which was then passed unanimously.

This reporting process will begin February 1, 2018.


Membership Report - Doug Miller stated his concern as no one had contacted him regarding to training in his position.  This was addressed & Greg Reed has arranged for a meeting with Doug, Maggi MacQuilliam - Operations Manager ANWS, and Greg to discuss the position and its duties on January 29, 2018.                             


A list of Sandy River Chapters Members receiving printed Newsletters has been sent to Larry McClintock  for Newsletter purposes.

A List of Sandy River Chapter and At Large Members has been sent to Jim Cathcart.  He let Maggi MacQuilliam and Doug Miller know which New Members joining at the November 2017 ODFW Workshop were not registered as ANWS members.  Maggi is addressing those missing.





Volunteer hours – The process and responsibility of reporting volunteer hours was discussed.  Forms for individual reporting, Event coordinator Reporting, and reporting to ODFW (for their events) were presented and made available.  Reporting of hours are to include “Door to Door” (the time you leave your home until you return) . ODFW events require reporting travel hours independently, and STEP programs require mileage as well.  Per the Association our reports require mileage as well.

Mike Myrick said he will be reporting “Booth” hours and mileage for the Boat & Sportsman’s Shows to Greg Reed.

It will greatly help the person reporting our hours to the Association if reports can be submitted periodically during the year.  Waiting until the end of June will greatly increase the workload in compiling our report to the Association.

Again, please report these to Greg Reed at g_a_reed@comcast.net , for now. 


Vacant Board positions – Greg Reed – The Vice President, Secretary, and Volunteer time reporting positions remain vacant.  Please help us in finding persons to take these roles on



Chapter Policy – Our recommended Chapter By-Laws were reviewed and approved by ANWS at the December 2018 ExComm meeting. Greg Reed will send electronic copies to Chapter Directors and Committee Members.  He will have printed copies provided to the new Officers when voted into office this year.


Election Committee – At December 2017’s Chapter Meeting Pat Norris, Jeff Boughton, and Stephen Thomson volunteered to be our 2018-19 Election committee.  To date we have Candidates as follows:

President: as Co-position holders: Jeff Stoeger & Greg Reed

Vice President: Tim Maples          Treasurer: Vacant            Secretary: Teri Boughton

Others are invited to run for these or any other position.


Upcoming speakers – Jeff Stoeger has arranged for Representatives from the Oregon State Police at our upcoming Chapter meeting.  Jeff has done a good job in setting these up again this year.  Greg Reed has provided Mike Myrick with a list of upcoming projected speakers as asked for.


Next ODFW Workshop – Date is May 19, 2018 with the winter workshop planned for November 3 & 10, 2018.  Further details yet to be completed.


Jim Catchart has a Bank Fish along scheduled for February 24, 2018, details TBA when solid.


Anthony Pedro asked about a Spring cleanup date.  He, Steve Rothenbucher, & Greg Reed will meet with Tim Seeley in the coming weeks to set a date and details.


Jeff & Terri Boughton have volunteered to coordinate The annual Sandy River Chapter Auction Diner on May 2, 2018.

Greg Reed set a meeting for January 22, 2018 with them, Hydorns and Beiths (past event coordinators).  John Hydorn made copies of the Annual Review Committee data from the the computer and it was agreed that computer was to be provided to Boughtons to use.  This has happened.


6:50 pm Adjourn                                                                                           Steve R.