Event - October Board Meeting

Start Date
Wed 10/11/2017
End Date

Meeting will be at:

Round Table Pizza

4141 NE 122nd Ave,

Portland, OR 97230

6:30 PM


Meeting Minutes(approved):

NW Steelheaders – Sandy River Chapter

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday October 11, 2017

Round Table Pizza - 4141 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, OR 

Present: Steve Rothenbucher, Jeff Stoeger, Mike Myrick, John Hydorn, Doug Miller, & Greg Reed. 

6:00 pm Call to Order                                                                  Steve Rothenbucher


Review Board Meeting’s Minutes from September 12, 2017 - Greg Reed -. Jeff Stoegermoved the Board Meeting’s Minutes from September 12, 2017 be accepted as presented and Mike Myrick seconded the motion, which was then passed.               


Treasurer’s Report - Greg Reed - Copies distributed and reviewed by those present. – Noted receipt of June 24, 2017 ODFW Workshop reimbursement, savings on Annual Chapter Picnic (Thanks to Hydorns for donated fish), and door prize/raffle income.  Mike Myrick moved the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as given and Doug Miller  seconded the motion, which was then passed


Membership Report- Noted – Doug Miller has stepped up to help in this position.  Steve Rothenbucher will attempt to schedule a meeting with Maggie MacQuilliam, ANWS Operations Manager and Norm Ritchie for October 30th, 2107 at or after 10:30am to discuss role and other items.  Others preset expressed interest in attending and are to be included.                                                                                   



ANWS Hall of Fame (H.O.F.[1]) Banquet – Greg Reed -Chapter Premium table paid for/reserved.  Our Chapter has invited ODFW staff (the Todd Alsbury and Jenny Ammon ) families to attend at our tale, 6 seats.  After a lengthy discussion, the remaining seats will be offered to Steve Rothenbucher, John and Leslie Hydorn, and Doug Miller.  If any cannot attend, Volunteer hours will be checked and any open seats will be offered to those with the most hours recorded.  Jeff Stoeger moved this take place and Greg Reed seconded the motion, which was then passed.



Annual Review – Bill Kirkpatrick -Committee report out.  Tabled until November 2017 Board Meeting.                                                                                                                              




Newsletter publication – Publication ideas & Reminder – Greg Reed – reminder of last month’s Board meeting discussion related to timeframes and submission requirements. 

  • 20th deadline for submissions
  • Draft distributed (24 hour limit for comments – comments only on content provided)
  • 25th deadline for publication
  • All submissions must be in/on MS Word to allow Newsletter formatting.  And, Photos are limited to 25MB in size when submitted

John Hydorn recommended we limit our use of “blasts” as related to monthly Newsletter publication notice.  He moved that:

  1. Email “Blasts” will no longer announce publication.  The newsletter will be posted online (mailed) between the 25th of the month and the 1st of the following month.
  2. There will be a note included in upcoming newsletters announcing this.
  3. New Member welcome package will also include this information.
  4. 1 through 3 will include instructions on how to access the online Newsletter.

 Greg Reed seconded the motion, which was then passed.


Prototype Member Survey –  The survey was shared with those present.  An additional question was recommended. It being,” How often have you been able to attend Meetings and Events?”  Also, a recommendation the survey be distributed of a period of time and not just handed out a t Chapter meeting.  The possibility of a raffle for a prize for those completing the survey was well received.


Vacant Board positions – Greg Reed – The need to fill vacant positions was presented at this month’s Chapter meeting.  Greg Reed also stated he had asked Bob Rees, ANWS Executive Director and Maggie MacQuilliam, ANWS Operations Manager for help with this issue.  Maggie said she is attending each Chapter meeting prior to the end of 2017.


November “5”, 2017 ODFW Workshop – Date and ideas - Steve Rothenbucher -  The Workshop will be from 7am to 5pm for volunteers at the Sam Cox building, Glenn Otto park.  A Pre-planning meeting is being held. On Sunday, October 22, 2017 from 11am to 2pm at the same location.




Tillamook Fish-Along/Crab-Along – This year there were 108 Crab and 3-4 fish caught.  Event went well with and income of approx. $830.00 for the Chapter after expenses.  Thanks to the Ritchie’s and there team.  They will be presenting event forms for next years’ event in the near future with September 14 & 15, 2018 as the event dates for the Fish-Along/Crab-Along.  We will continue hosting with the Mcloughlin, Chapter.  As in the past, Sandy River Chapter attendees will have first priority for boat seats.  


ANWS Hall of Fame (H.O.F.[2]) Artwork donation – Mike Myrick – In the past the Chapter has purchased artwork from Don Perry as a donation to the H.O.F. raffle. At the recommendation of Mike Myrick, Doug Miller moved the Chapter approve a sum under $200.00 for the same purpose this year.  Jeff Stoegerseconded the motion, which was then passed


Upcoming speakers – Jeff Stoeger shared a list of speakers for the upcoming months.

November 1st, 2017 chapter meeting – Tim Maples will need help at the Raffle table as Jeff will not be attending.

Annual ANWS and SRCNWS[3] shared fund raising income – Mike Myrick recommended the Chapter share in the income from the Drift boat ticket sales, North to Alaska raffle ticket sales, and Membership income in the same manner as past years.  Jeff Stoeger so moved and Greg Reed seconded the motion, which was then passed.

Board meeting dates - Steve Rothenbucher shared that some member who cannot attend the Board meetings now could do so if it was moved to a Thursday.  After some discussion it was resolved to move the Board meetings to the 3rd Thursday of each month. This will begin with the November 16th, 2017 meeting.


7:20pm - Meeting Adjourn                                                                     Steve Rothenbucher



[1] H.O.F – ANWS Hall of Fame Banquet

[2] H.O.F – ANWS Hall of Fame Banquet

[3] SRCNWS – Sandy River Chapter NWS