Event - April Board Meeting

Start Date
Wed 4/12/2017
End Date

Meeting will be at:


1307 NE 102nd Ave

Portland, OR 97220

6:30 PM


Meeting Minutes:


NW Steelheaders – Sandy Chapter


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes


Date: April 12, 2017   Izzy’s on 102nd


6:10 pm Call to Order - Steve Rothenbucher




Present: Steve Rothenbucher, John Hydorn, Art & Kathryn Israelson, Mike Myrick, and Anthony Pedro.  Greg Reed arrived at 6:15pm


Treasurer’s Report  John Hydorn presented same for 3/9/17 through 4/12/17.  Mike Myrick moved the report be accepted, Greg Reed seconded the motion, which was then passed.


Reviewed March 2017 meeting’s minutes  Steve Rothenbucher explained Tim’s last name is spelled “Seery”. Minutes will be amended to show this clarification. John H. moved the Minutes be accepted as amended, Mike M. seconded the motion, which was then passed.


Membership ReportSteve Rothenbucher stated that at last count our membership, which has grown, was at 325 members. Suggestions from Rick Pare and John Hydorn were presented ODFW with a proposal on how to get paperwork early enough so the the Association and Chapter could meet their obligations.


ODFW[1] wants to prepare the gear bags for the “Steelhead 101” classes.  They also wish to take the program statewide for any NWS[2] Chapter.


Steve Rothenbucher and Jim Cathcart Volunteered the Sandy NWS Chapter to help the NWS Salem Chapter present a “Winter Steelhead Clinic” on September,16 2017 from 9:00am to 4:00pm at North Santiam State Recreation Area, Lyons, OR 97358[3]






Fund Raiser Auction – John Hydorn said we have about 35 to 40 individuals attending to date.  He went over some of the items being donated and recognized some of those donating and those rounding up donations.


John Day Camping trip – John Hydorn noted we always need boats for ferrying participants and to take others out fishing.  We will revisit this at our June meeting.


Family Fish Camp – Steve Rothenbucher said the event was well organized with 154 individuals in attendance.  The participants were invited to attend one of the upcoming NWS fish-alongs.  Molly Orr did a great job and will be missed next year as she finishes her internship this year.


Strategic Goals - Steve Rothenbucher has contacted Jeff Folup (ODFW) and found that fish carcasses from one watershed/river cannot be used in another.


River cleanup – Steve Rothenbucher met with Tim Seery (Troutdale Parks & Recreation).  All Cleanup projects are on hold until the high river levels return to normal.  Tim Seely has been told Anthony Pedro is our contact for these projects and the two will be getting together.


Sandy Chapter Member badges – Last meeting discussion of general meeting attendees wearing badges each receiving a specific raffle ticket (currently white).  One of these tickets  being pulled at each meeting with a raffle item given the ticket holder, separate from the current raffle.  Steve Rothenbucher has spoken to Jeff Stoeger regarding this proposal.  It was decided not to dilute the raffle table event by returning to the past practice.  Steve Rothenbucher and Beverly Betzer have donated some items to be used for this at the June and September meetings.


Swap Meet – Steve Rothenbucher has to checked on the availability of the building and grounds and reserved same.  Larry Palmer completed an Event Request Form which has been approved with a request that Larry Palmer identify a second contact.  This event is now on the calendar.


Art Israelson will contact the owner of the property across the street from Glen Otto Park ( Glenn White) to see if we can use it for parking and what this will take.




Salmon Acclimation Pond - Terri Boughton (absent).  It was noted that per her last email the 2nd batch of fish should have been released last week.
















 NEW BUSINESS                   




Affirmation of Board member from General Meeting vote on April 5, 2017.


At the April 5, 2017 the list of those running for elected office were presented. 


  • Steve Rothenbucher was the only candidate for President,
  • There were no candidates for Vice President or Secretary, and
  • Greg Reed was the only candidate for Treasurer.


At that meeting, member Mike Myrick moved  the vote be by made verbally and by acclamation for those listed.  This motion was passed and that General Meeting assembly voted the two mentioned officer into their respective positions at that time.


Tonight (at the Board Meeting) John Hydorn moved the election be affirmed, Anthony Pedro seconded the motion, it was voted on by those present (Except those nominated) and passed.




Chapter checking account signees – John Hydorn noted the list of approved signers for our Chapter checking account is now out dated.  After some discussion John Hydorn moved the board approve himself/John Hydorn (as outgoing Treasurer), Greg Reed (as incoming Treasurer), Mike Myrick, and Jeff Stoeger (the latter two for Chapter raffle purchases) and any others currently listed at the bank no longer be approved to sign.  Anthony Pedro 2nd the motion, which was voted on and approved by the Board.


John Hydorn and Greg Reed will follow through on this.




Chapter wall Banners - Steve Rothenbucher informed the board a large blue banner had been found in a members’ garage.  All other banners are unaccounted for. 


He had spoken with Joyce Sherman, Outreach Coordinator of theANSW[4], or ordering information.  She found one vendor who will charge a total of $166.00 for six 2’x3’ banners.  She will be providing Steve Rothenbucher with other vendors as well.  He asked the board to consider purchasing some banners.  He also passed around examples of banner proposals to the board.  They were given to Anthony Pedro for input/modifications.


Art Israelson moved the Chapter purchase 6 banners, for an amount not to exceed $166.00.  Greg Reed 2nd the motion, it was voted on and passed. Stever Rothenbucher will follow-up on the purchase and appraise the Board on the progress.










Storage Unit - Steve Rothenbucher shared that the rent for the storage unit is due in July, 2017 and asked the Chapter to continue paying 12 months in advance for same.  It was also noted the rates are expected to increase for this coming period.  Greg Reed will contact the Storage company to find out the new rates for single month and one 12 month advance payment.  He will report back at the May, 2017 Board meeting. Based on this, we will discuss and vote on how to proceed.




Chapter potluck/auction & ANWS Hall of Fame (H.O.F.) Banquet - Steve Rothenbucher told the Board Bob Rees, Executive Director of the ANWS, has offered to be the Master of Ceremonies for the May 3, 2017 Sandy Chapter potluck/auction and donate a guided fishing trip.  He requested the Sandy Chapter buy one table for $650.00 at the ANWS H.O.F. Banquet on November 11, 2017 as well.


After some discussion, Mike Myrick motioned the Chapter purchase a table one table for $650.00 at the ANWS H.O.F. Banquet on November 11, 2017.  Greg Reed  2nd the motion, it was voted on and passed. Steve Rothenbucher and Greg Reed will complete the purchase and advise Bob Rees.




7:45PM - Meeting Adjourn                                                                                 Steve Rothenbucher




[1] ODFW – Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

[2] NWS – Northwest Steelheaders

[4] ANSW – Association of Northwest Steelheaders