Event - January Board Meeting
Meeting will be at:
1307 NE 102nd Ave
Portland, OR 97220
6:30 PM
Meeting Minutes:
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
January 13, 2016
Called to order 6:30 PM
Members present: Steve R. Doug B. John H. John B. Victor L.
Larry M. Mike M. Jeff S. Kathryn I. Don V. Lee V.
? John Hydorn handed out the treasurer’s report covering Nov. 12th 2015- Jan. 13th 2016
1. Don Voeks questioned whether or not the storage unit cost could be reduced by making one annual payment verses monthly payments.
2. John Hydorn discussed the process of invoicing ODFW. The chapter could send in multiple invoices each month or continue to send just one. Discussion led to only sending one invoice per month.
3. John Hydorn gave a reminder to the board that the sandy chapters account needs to be audited for the fiscal year 2014/2015 (July 1st 2014 – June 30th 2015) Don Voeks moved, Jeff Stoeger seconded and the board unanimously approved. Next step acquire an assistant to complete the audit with John Hydorn.
? John Bennett started a discussion about the near failure to produce the January 2016 chapter newsletter.
1. Larry McClintock called John Bennett for submissions but none had been made, after many phone calls submissions were made.
2. John Bennett requested that submissions go directly to Larry McClintock to be formatted and he will send to the editorial committee for editing and content approval.
3. Larry McClintock asked if we wanted to have fewer pages in the newsletter. Question left unanswered.
4. John Bennett said the biggest problem remains the lack of article submissions he receives before the deadline (third Wednesday of the month)
5. John Hydorn reiterated the fact that we (the Sandy chapter) really need to be more proactive with submissions for the news letter and website content (emphasis on calendar and all events which effect it)
? Victor Laurence told the board he has the vector files for the Sandy chapter fish logo and the round logo.
? Leslie Hinea started discussion about HOF banquet and chapter dinner/auction.
1. Steve Rothenbucher suggested adding more seats and involve more chapters at HOF banquet.
2. Discussion of possible chapter “garage sale” to sell the donated used gear or a table at the chapter meetings.
3. Leslie Hinea mentioned the need for more volunteers to acquire donations for HOF auction and chapter auction.
4. Leslie Hinea reminded the board we needed more lures for the Dutch auction. We could have sold more bags at the HOF event.
5. Invite other chapters to our chapter auction.
6. Leslie will send Steve R. donation documents, so members can record the necessary information for donations obtained for the auctions.
Meeting adjourned 8:31 PM