Event - Sandy Chapter Fish-Along
Please come to the Fish Along!
Saturday November 21
This year I want to help create a climate of experienced chapter members helping the newer members learn about fishing by doing what we all want to do anyway-fishing.
Each month we will have a simple from the shore fish along that will predominantly feature a single technique, so if you need to learn more about that method everyone there will be rigged up that way.
This month it will be bobber and jig fishing. Of course you can use the basic bobber set up to fish with pink worms, rubber beads, or bait too, but let’s try that next month.
Please be at Glenn Otto Park ready to go at 8 AM. We’ll probably carpool a bit, and decide where to start out, and so forth. The fish along will last about a ½ day.
The easiest way to learn how to do something is to learn from someone who already knows how, so come on down and get started!
Please RSVP me at palmerlarryd@yahoo.com , or at 503-793-9225
If you need to borrow one of our State ODFW supplied rods, please let me know by Thursday night.
Larry Palmer