Event - Casting With the Stars - ODFW Steelhead Clinic
Casting With the Stars
Our chapter has been invited to participate in an Intro to Steelhead Fishing Clinic with ODFW, on Saturday April 5th. This will take place at Camp Angelos on the Sandy River. ODFW needs instructors to help these new anglers to learn how to rig up and cast, and the chapter is looking for 10-15 members to help out on this day from 9 AM-3 PM. You don’t have to be a big expert...just know more than someone starting out. You can do that.
If you are not familiar with the Camp Angelos location, that’s OK. Meet me in the parking lot at 8 AM in Glenn Otto Park, our regular monthly meeting location. We’ll drive up to Camp Angelos from there.
By the way, volunteering for this will put your name on the list with other volunteers for that special “ Fish n’ Camp - Reward Trip” I talked about at our last chapter meeting. Ya can’t win a spot if you don’t volunteer.
Please contact me so I know you are coming and can plan accordingly.
You know how to cast don’t ya? So show someone new!
Contact me at-
Larry Palmer at palmerlarryd@yahoo.com or by phone at 503-286-2093. Email is best.