Event - December General Meeting

Start Date
Wed 12/4/2013
End Date

Welcome to our December meeting that features our annual Pie Social hosted by Jolie Ritchie & Kathryn Israelson

Please Note:  Meeting will begin at 6:30 to accomodate the evening's clinic. 

This meeting will also include the first in a series of 3 clinics that will help you prepare for winter steelhead fishing for both bank and drift boat.

The series will feature member speakers Larry Palmer, Jeff Kirkman, Jeff Stoeger and Ed Fast.   Both Ed and Jeff are also guides on the Sandy River. They will talk about rod and reel selection, drift fishing and bobber selection for Bobber & jig fishing.

The guest speaker for this meeting will be Larry Palmer and he will also be giving an overview of the subjects covered in the clinic series. 

During this meeting the following subjects will be covered:

 •         Choosing a rod and reel

 •         Line types

 •         Basics of Baits and curing  

 •         How to tie the improved clinch knot and the egg loop knot

 •         A fishing method called "Plunking"

 •         An invitation to participants to bring one rod for evaluation to the next clinic on January 8th


Guests will have the opportunity to join the Sandy Chapter in order to participate in the member-only “on-stream sessions".


For more information on the January Meeting and clinic, click here.

For more information on the February Meeting and clinic, click here.